

Strategy,Institutions,and Ethics:Lessons from the EU's Experience
摘要 近年来,欧洲研究引起了中国学者的广泛关注。欧洲研究的以下三个问题领域在中国国际关系研究中尤为重要:(1)中美欧间的战略互动及其对国际体系的影响;(2)欧洲经验对东亚地区一体化的借鉴意义;(3)欧洲研究对于国际关系有关国际合作和地区一体化理论的启示。作者进而提出,欧洲研究不仅具有重要的战略价值和制度安排上的借鉴意义,而且可促使我们对国际社会的未来发展做出更为深入的思考。 In recent years, the EU studies have drawn great attention in the Chinese academic circles. In the paper, the author proposes that the following areas in the EU studies have particular importance in the field of international relations in China: first, the strategic interactions between China, the EU and the U. S. , and their impact on the international system; second, the lessons from the EU experiences for the on-going integration process in East Asia; third, their potentials in promoting the development of IR theories on international cooperation and regional integration. On this basis, the author further argues that the significance of the EU studies does not only rest on their great strategic values and the lessons that can be drawn from EU's institutional arrangements, but also on the chance they provide us to make deeper reflections on the future of the international community.
作者 王展鹏
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第8期57-62,共6页 Teaching and Research
关键词 欧洲经验 中欧关系 欧美关系 东亚地区主义 国际关系理论 EU's experiences, Sino-EU relations, EU-US relations, regionalism in East Asia, IR theories
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