The Yellow River Delta is situated at 118°00′E - 119°20′E and 36°50′N - 38°10′N, in the floodplains and abandoned Yellow River mouth and its total area is about 8 000km^2. The ecosystem of Yellow River Delta has three features. Firstly, due to the young age of terrestrial land, various plant resources are still in the initial stage of succession and development. Secondly, the plant resources are continuously extending toward the coast so that the formation, development and succession of plant communities are still frequent. Thirdly, for few human disturbances, the formation, development and succession of various plant resources are taken in progress on the natural states.
With the high sediment of the Yellow River, the river mouth extended about 2 km to sea and about 20 km of new land formed every year. At the same time, part of the area were being eroded. In general view, the Yellow River delta is under developed compared with other big river deltas in China. How to develop the delta in a sustainable way is now a big issue.
Through the analysis of landform development of the Yellow River Delta, the natural succession of wetland system ( 1984 - 2000), land use change in last 40 years ( 1956 - 1996), and the landscape pattern and changes of the Yellow River Delta were studied. By use of Remote Sensing and GIS, a monitoring and evaluation model of soil salinity and coastline change were established. An evaluation system of land suitability was developed by integration of land productive and environmental background data (elevation, landform, soil texture, soil salinity), and an integrated coast management strategy was developed.
Resources Science
Yellow River Delta
Ecological change
Land use
remote sensing