
男男性接触者商业性性行为特征的调查研究 被引量:12

Factors Associated with Characteristics of Commercial Sex Encounters among Men Who Have Sex with Men
摘要 目的了解男男性接触者商业性性行为的特征及其影响因素。方法于2005年7月至11月在北京市对男男性接触者进行问卷调查,调查内容包括社会人口学和高危性行为特征。结果在招募的526名男男性接触者中,10.6%(56/526)的人在近6个月发生过商业性性行为,其中分别有98.2%(55/56)和14.3%(8/56)的人与男性性伴和女性性伴发生过商业性性行为,分别有39.3%(22/56)和14.3%(8/56)的人向男性性伴和女性性伴买淫,分别有80.4%(45/56)和10.7%(6/56)的人向男性性伴和女性性伴卖淫。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄≤23岁(OR,1.83;95%CI,1.01~3.33)、高中及以下文化程度(OR,2.72;95%CI,1.37~5.40)、非北京户籍(OR,2.75;95%CI,1.09~6.95)和近6个月总的男性性伴数〉2个(OR,3.68;95%CI,1.75~7.71)与男男性接触者近6个月发生商业性性行为的关系有统计学意义。结论有相当比例的男男性接触者发生过商业性性行为,年龄、文化程度、北京户籍和性伴数量为对此行为有影响。需要加大对该人群的行为干预力度以降低感染HIV的危险。 Objective To study factors associated with characteristics of commercial sex encounters among men who have sex with men (MSM). Methods During July - November 2005, MSM were investigated to collect information on socio - demographic and high risk sexual behaviors. Results Of 526 MSM, 10.6% (56/526) had commercial sex encounters in the past 6 months, of whom 98.2% (55/56) and 14.3% (8/56) had commercial sex encounters with men and women, respectively. 39.3% (22/56) and 14.3% (8/56) bought sex from male and female sex partner (s), respectively. 80.4% (45/56) and 10.7% (6/56) sold sex to male and female sexual partner (s), respectively. Multiple Logistic regression demonstrated that young age (OR, 1.83; 95% CI, 1.01~3.33), poor education background (OR, 2.72; 95% CI, 1.37~5.40), non Beijing resident (OR, 2.75; 95% CI, 1.09~6.95) and 〉 2 male sexual partner (s) in past 6 months (OR, 3.68; 95% CI, 1.75~7.71) were significantly associated with commercial sex encounters among MSM in past 6 months. Conclusion A considerable proportion of MSM are influenud by age, education, Beijing resident, number of sexual partner (s) and other factors, and intervention to this subgroup of MSM should be strengthened to control HIV transmission.
出处 《中国自然医学杂志》 CAS 2006年第3期165-168,共4页 Chinese Journal of Natural Medicine
基金 国家"十五"科技攻关课题资助项目(2004BA719A01 2004BA719A01) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30571612 10501052)
关键词 男男性接触者 性行为 商业性性行为 人类免疫缺陷病毒 Men who have sex with men (MSM) Sexual behavior Commercial sex encounters HIV
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