
鼓形砂轮周磨自由曲面刀位算法 被引量:2

Tool Positioning Strategy for Free Form Surface Flank Grinding with Drum Wheel
摘要 对采用鼓形砂轮周磨自由曲面的刀位计算进行了研究。为了提高加工效率,提出了一种基于避免加工中砂轮和工件曲面局部干涉的鼓形砂轮几何参数的优化方法。在刀位计算中,砂轮被限定在摆刀平面中旋转;离散鼓形砂轮表面,计算采样点到工件曲面的有向距离,获得当前刀位的加工误差分布和加工带宽;以砂轮轴和工件曲面最小法曲率方向的夹角为优化变量,以当前刀位的加工带宽的最大化为优化目标,用格点法进行了鼓形砂轮周磨自由曲面的刀位优化。利用UG二次开发技术编程,生成了Bezier曲面的加工轨迹的计算实例,验证了所提出的砂轮几何参数和刀位的优化算法。 Tool positioning strategy for free form surface flank grinding with drum wheel was studied. In order to improve the productivity, an optimal method based on the principle of avoiding local interference between the wheel and the surface to acquire the optimal wheel geometry parameters was proposed. In the tool path generation, the wheel was constrained to rotate in swaying plane. Then the drum wheel surface was discretized to lots of sample points. And the directed distances from the surface to sample points were calculated. They were utilized to generate the machining error distribution and determine the path interval at current tool position. An optimization tool positioning strategy based on lattice point method for free form surface flank grinding with drum wheel was proposed, in which the angle between the wheel axis and the direction of minimal normal curvature was taken as argument and obtained the maximal path interval was the target of the optimization procedure. Both the optimal method of the wheel geometry parameters and that of tool positioning strategy were verified by a calculation example, in which program was developed with the technique of further development of UG and it was applied on the tool path generation of a Bezier surface.
出处 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第16期1719-1722,1751,共5页 China Mechanical Engineering
基金 中国航空第一集团创新基金资助项目(CX03007)
关键词 刀位计算 鼓形砂轮 曲面磨削 周磨 tool path generation drum wheel free form surface grinding flank grinding
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