目的:探讨低浓度洗涤血小板促进人牙髓细胞增殖的作用机制。方法:使用从成年男性志愿者静脉采集、制备的洗涤血小板(washed platelet,WPLT)作用于人牙髓细胞,人牙髓细胞增殖和产生的前列腺素E2(PGE2)采用细胞和PGE2测定试剂盒测定;表达的细胞内环氧酶-2(COX-2)mRNA采用Realtime RT-PCR方法测定。结果:50ml/LWPLT诱导人牙髓细胞COX-2mRNA的表达在作用后3h达到最高峰,而诱导PGE2的产生快于IL-1β;50ml/LWPLT诱导的人牙髓细胞增殖可以被消炎痛和地塞米松抑制,而添加PGE2可以逆转这种抑制作用;WPLT诱导的PGE2量随着其浓度的成倍增加呈现出明显的增多趋势,而PGE2在适当浓度范围内明显促进了人牙髓细胞的增殖。结论:低浓度WPLT可能通过诱导产生的PGE2促进了人牙髓细胞的增殖。
Objective:To investigate the effects of washed platelets at low concentration (WPLT) on the proliferation of human dental pulp cells (HDPCs). Methods : WPLT was prepared from a male venous blood, cultured HDPCs were exposed to the WPLT at 50 ml/L, 100 ml/L and 200 ml/L for 0.5 - 24 h respectively. Cell proliferation and prostaglandin E2 production were examined by cell counting and Prostaglandin E2 EIA Kit-Monoclonal respectively. Cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2) mRNA expression was determined by real time RT-PCR. Results:WPLT at 50 ml/L promoted HDPC proliferation and increased COX-2 mRNA expression at 3-hour-exposure. That at 50 - 200 ml/L increased the production of PGE2 dose-depandently. Indomethacin or dexamethasone reduced WPLT-induced HDPC proliferation, and this inhibitory effect was reversed by exogenous PGE2. PGE2 promoted HDPC proliferation at 5 - 100 ng/ml. Conclusion: WPLT may induce prostaglandin E2 production, thereby promote HPDC proliferation.
Journal of Practical Stomatology