The changes in membrane permeability and active oxygen metabolism inrice leaves exposed to enhanced ultraviolet-B were investigated. Two rice cultivars (IR74 and Dular) were grown ina greenhouse for ten days and thentreated with four levels of UV-B (0.0,6.0, 13.0, 19.1 kJ m-2 d-1) for 28days in a glasshouse. UV-B radiationcaused significant increased in electrolyte leakage, malindialdehyed(MDA) content and the net rate of O generation (Figs. 2,3). These increases were greater in the sensitive cultivarDular than in the less-sensitive cultivarIR74 under high radiation (13.0 and19.1 kJ m-2 d-1 ) and long UV-B exposure (28 days) (Fig. 1 ). The extentsof the changes in O and MDA contentwere greater than those of electrolyteleakage and H2O2 content. AscorbatePeroxidase activity was significantly reduced and other antioxidants (superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbic acidand glutathione) were enhanced duringshort exposure to UV-B radiation (14days ). SOD activity, however, wasreduced after 14 day treatment (Figs.5, 6 ). The less-sensitive cultivar retained a higher SOD activity than thesensitive one under high radiations. Theparameters described above returned tolevels similar to those of the control(0.0) after UV-B radiation (13.0 )had been stopped for 14 days. Based onthese results, it is deduced that UV-Bin jury to membrane may be correlatedto excessive production of O2 which induces an increase in lipid peroxidation,while O2 accumulation may be causedby the inhibition of SOD. The varietaldifference in UV-B sensitivity of ricecultivars may involve the difference inSOD level, which affects the rate ofbreakdown of O .
Dryza sativa L. ultraviolet-B, membrane permeability, lipid peroxidation, active oxygen metabolism