
国家气象网络计算应用节点门户系统的设计与实现 被引量:3

Design and Implementation of Portal System of National Meteorological Network Computing Application Nodes
摘要 作为对外共享高性能计算资源的主要通道,门户系统是国家气象网络计算应用节点项目的首要开发任务之一。门户系统从设计上划分为服务中心门户、用户接入门户、气象模式应用门户等3个子系统。服务中心门户是整个项目平台的对外Web入口,提供项目规划、进展汇报、资源信息、用户支持、使用帮助等方面信息。用户接入门户完成用户登录进入气象网络节点的用户认证和访问控制功能,同时提供用户进入系统后共享资源的主要页面。气象模式应用门户,以Web方式来共享使用承载于高性能计算机系统上的气象模式。系统的开发中采用了J2EE的Servlet/JSP Web组件技术,在“Eclipse+lomboz插件”集成环境进行开发调试。目前已经完成了3个门户子系统主要模块的开发,并已集成打包为一整体,运行于中国气象局国家园区网内。 As a major channel to share high performance computing resources for outside users, the portal system is one of the chief development tasks in the project Construction of National Meteorological Network Computing Application Nodes. In design, the portal system can be divided into three sub-systems, namely, service center portal, user access portal, and meteorological model application portal. The service center portal is the Web entry point, and provides project planning, progress, resource information, user support and help, etc. The user access portal fulfils functions of user authentication and access control during the process of logining. In addition, the user access portal provides major Web pages for resource sharing after users' logining into the system. The meteorological model application portal realizes the shared use of meteorological applications hosted in high performance computers by means of Web. During the course of development, J2EE servelet/JSP Web component technology in the development environment of "Eclipse-lomboz plugin" is employed. The development of major modules of the three sub-portal systems has been completed and the three sub-portals are integrated together as a whole system running on the national meteorological campus network.
作者 王彬
出处 《气象科技》 2006年第B09期5-9,共5页 Meteorological Science and Technology
基金 国家科技基础条件平台"国家气象网络计算应用系统建设"项目(2005DKA64000)资助
关键词 门户系统 气象网络节点 服务中心门户 用户接入门户 气象模式应用门户 JSP portal system,service center portal, user access portal, meteorological model application portal, JSP
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  • 1项目领导小组.国家气象网络计算应用节点建设(项目编号:2004DKAS0730)[R].北京:国家气象信息中心,2005.
  • 2Cluster Resources, Inc. MOAB Grid Suite [ EB/OL ]. [ 2005-08 ]. http ://www. clusterresources. com/pages/products/moab-grid-suite. php.
  • 3Joshua Butikofer. MOAB Access Portal Administrator's Guide[ EB/OL ]. http://www. clusterresources. com/products/map/docs/.




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