Henan bauxite, which belongs to G layer bauxite of Benxi Formation,Carboniferous, Upper Paleozoic, developed in Sanmenxia Zhengzhou Pingdingshan triangle belt. The floor is composed of Majiagou Formation of Middle Ordovician or carbonates of Upper Cambrian. They are monohydro diaspore type bauxite deposits, characterized by high Al,high Si, low Fe and mid low Al/Si ratio.In average, Al 2O 3 is 65 28%, SiO 2 11 57%,Fe 2O 3 4 14%,and Al/Si 5 64.In general,the chemical composition is stable.Al 2O 3+SiO 2+Fe 2O 3 is generally 80% ̄82%.The formation of bauxite is apparently controlled by the karst paleo topography.The thickness has big range. The average thickness of bauxite bearing series is 11 42 m and that of bauxite 3 83 m.The former has largest thickness 68 34 m and the latter 57 95 m.The thick ore body in cave has higher Al/Si ratio.The metallogenic model was established on the basis of geological division of bauxite. The author suggests that the metallogeny of bauxite is complicated. The deposits range from residual lateral weathered mantle type and terra rossa sedimentary type and alluvial accumulated type to colloid chemical deposit type. They are dominated by the terra rossa sedimentary type. After the formation of terra rossa weathered mantle, the materials were interupted and redeposited after a short distance transportation. The alluvial accumulated type is considered a special type of terra rossa sedimentary type. The colloid deposit is formed by the sedimentation in the deeper part of front water body of terra rossa sedimentary type. The source materials are from the weathered products of the above mentioned two kinds of rocks rather than the simple alumino silicates of paleo land or carbonates of basement. In general,basement carbonates are the main components though there is difference between different mining areas. The analysis of large materials suggest secondary ore enrichment plays an important role in the formation of rich ore bodies of bauxite and the structure geotopography unit where bauxite layers dipping gently and consistantly with geotopography is the favourable place for the formation of rich ore bodies, but that dose not mean that there is impossible for the existence of primary ore shoot.
bauxite, genesis of deposit,metallogenic model,Carboniferous,Henan