
影视时代的小说生产 被引量:2

Creation of Novel On Movie & TV Era
摘要 从创作角度看,传统小说的创作,是一种高度个性化的精神活动,遵循艺术创作的规律;而现代影视的制作,是一种集体行为,遵循文化工业生产的法则。小说要趋附于影视,就意味着小说创作具有工业化生产的某些特征。“趋影视体”小说是影视艺术作用的结果,反映了人们对影视与小说关系的认识,表现了小说对影视艺术的屈从和依附。“为影视艺术而小说”,意味着小说家在题材选择、主题表现、人物塑造、情节营造、语言运用等方面要考虑到未来的影视改编,其深层动机在于经济利益的驱使。就文体特征而言,“趋影视体”主要表现为叙事的大众化和话语的程式化。其结果是小说与影视剧本之间的差异被削弱,小说的“味中之味”被消解。 From the viewpoint of creating, traditional novel' s creation is a genius activity with great individuation and should keep to the creating rule, while the modern film - TV' s creation is a collective action and should obey the cultural industry principle. If the novel follows the film- TV, it means that the novel' s creation has some characteristics of the cultural industry. As a result of Movie & TV art' s affection, Follow Movie-TV type novel reflects people' s knowledge on the relation between movie TV and novel, and shows that novel has to attach itself to movie TV. Writing novel for movie TV means that writers should consider the future adaptation when they select subject matter, express theme, mould character, plan plot and apply language. Their profound motive is up to economic performance. As regards stylistic characteristic, Follow Movie -TV type novel is mainly manifested in popularize narrative and formula discourse. So the difference between novel and movie TV script disappears, along with novel' s appeal.
作者 申载春
机构地区 忻州师范学院
出处 《甘肃高师学报》 2006年第3期16-22,共7页 Journal of Gansu Normal Colleges
基金 2005年山西省高校人文社会科学研究项目[20053325]。
关键词 影视时代 文化工业 小说生产 “趋影视体” movie & TV Era cultural industry novel' s creation Follow Movie-TV type
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