
再生水灌溉草坪观赏品质及其综合评价 被引量:5

Effects of irrigation of reclaimed water on ornamental quality and its comprehensive evaluation
摘要 为了缓解城市水资源紧张状况,扩大污水资源化力度,确保高质量的都市草坪,在永乐店试验站进行了再生水灌溉草坪的试验研究。采用7种水分处理:清水适宜灌、混合适宜灌、再生水充分灌、再生水适宜灌、再生水轻微干旱胁迫、再生水中度干旱胁迫、再生水重度干旱胁迫,其相应灌溉下限分别为田间持水量70%、70%、80%、70%、60%、50%、40%,灌水定额相同。研究结果表明:不同灌溉水质下,与再生水适宜灌和混合适宜灌处理相比,试验后期清水适宜灌坪草叶宽减小,分蘖减少,颜色、盖度及均一性分值降低;再生水灌溉不同水分处理下,整个生育期内草坪的观赏品质随土壤水分含量的增大而提高;模糊综合评判结果显示,再生水充分灌模式下草坪观赏品质综合表现最好,清水适宜灌较再生水轻微干旱胁迫稍差,再生水重度干旱胁迫最差。 In order to relax the tension of urban water resources, expand the reuse of reclaimed water and ensure a good quality of urban lawn, the pot experiments of blue grass irrigated with reclaimed water were conducted. Seven irrigation treatments, proper irrigation with fresh water, proper irrigation with a ratio of 1 to 1 of fresh and reclaimed water, full irrigation with reclaimed water, proper irrigation with reclaimed water, light water stress irrigation with reclaimed water, medium water stress irrigation with reclaimed water and severe water stress irrigation with reclaimed water, were conducted. Their irrigation start-points are 70%, 70%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50% and 40% field water capacity (fc), respectively. For the seven treatments, irrigation amount for an irrigation event is the same. The experimental results showed that the leaf width irrigated with fresh water was narrower than that irrigated with reclaimed water; the tiller density irrigated with fresh water smaller than that irrigated with reclaimed water; the color rating irrigated with fresh water lower than that irrigated with reclaimed water and the rating of vegetational coverage and the rating of uniformity had the same variation law between treatments irrigated with different water qualities as the color rating. The ornamental quality was improved with the total irrigation water between treatments irrigated with the reclaimed water during the stages of turf life. The results showed that the ornamental quality under full irrigation with reclaimed water was the best estimated by the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. The ornamental quality under proper irrigation with fresh water was worse than that under light water stress irrigation with reclaimed water. The ornamental quality under severe water stress irrigation with reclaimed water was the worst.
出处 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期81-87,共7页 Journal of China Agricultural University
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划子课题(2002AA2z4281-06)
关键词 再生水 草地早熟禾 观赏品质 模糊综合评判 reclaimed water Poa pratensis ornamental quality fuzzy comprehensive evaluation
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