
金丝小枣多糖的生物活性 被引量:14

Study on Biological Vitality for ZiZyphus Jujuba cv. Jinsixiaozao Polysaccharides
摘要 对金丝小枣多糖生物活性进行了研究。经过鼠脾、鼠腹腔细胞增殖等试验表明,金丝小枣多糖与对照组相比,在30-200μg/mL剂量范围内显著地促进鼠脾淋巴细胞的增殖(P〈0.01),且显示出明显的剂量-活性关系(R^2=0.9489);金丝小枣多糖也可促进腹腔巨噬细胞的增殖,在30-100μg/mL剂量范围内,金丝小枣多糖与对照组相比差异显著(P〈0.05);金丝小枣多糖在体外有明显的抗补体活性。 Biologically function of polysaccharides from ZiZyphus Jujuba cv. Jinsixiaozao. was studied. The results showed that the polysaccharides from ZiZyphus Jujuba cv. Jinsixiaozao had a promoted effect on proliferation of mouse spleen cell. in a concentration-dependent manner(R^2=0. 9489), and compared with that of the control, polysaccharides exhibited a significant promoted effect in the concentration range of 30 - 200μg/mL (P 〈 0.01). Polysaccharides from ZiZyphus Jujuba cv. Jinsixiaozao were also showed to promote the proliferation of mouse macrophage cell in the range of 50-100 μg/mL(P〈0. 05). Further more, polysaccharides from ZiZyphus Jujuba cv. Jinsixiaozao also had a marked anti-complement action in vitro.
出处 《食品与生物技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期103-106,共4页 Journal of Food Science and Biotechnology
关键词 金丝小枣多糖 细胞增殖 抗补体 ZiZyphus Jujuba cv. Jinsixiaozao polysaccharide proliferation of cell anti- complement
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