
一种新型ADL量表可行性的研究 被引量:46

Study on Practicability of A New ADL Scale
摘要 新型ADL量表是在Barthel指数基础上经过修改而成.通过采用新型ADL量表对76例偏瘫患者进行日常生活活动能力的评价,并与Barthel指数评分法进行相关分析.结果表明:2种评价方法在评价结果的总分上有较高的相关性(r=0.879, P<0.01);在障碍程度的轻、中、重分型方面,通过卡方分析结果呈现高度的一致性(P>0.1);新型ADL量表的再测信度检验显示该表高度稳定(r=0.948,P<0.01).表明新型ADL量表是有效和可靠的,此量表适用于偏瘫患者的日常生活活动能力的评价. The new ADL was made up on the basis of the modified Barthel Scale. With this scale, 76 hemiplegic patients were assessed for their ADL level, which results were thereafter comparatively analyzed with obtained Barthel Index via relavant assessment. The results of the analysis showed there were high relativity (r = 0. 879, P<0. 01) between the total scales via the parallel assessments. In identifying mild> medium or severe degrees of disability, the results of chi-square test showed high correspondence (P<0.1). And among the ten items in the new scale, all the relative facotrs (P) were lower than 0. 01. The validity retest analysis demonstrated that the new ADL Scale had high stability (r = 0. 948, P<0. 01). It could be concluded that the new ADL Scale was effect and reliable, and was suitable for the ADL assessment for hemiplegic patients.
作者 崔三生 王刚
出处 《中国康复》 1996年第4期153-154,共2页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation
关键词 ADL量表 BARTHEL指数 康复 日常生活活动 ADL Scale Barthel index validity reliability
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