
极性晶体量子点中强耦合激子的内部激发态(英文) 被引量:2

Internal Excited State of the Strong Coupling Exciton in Polar Crystals Quantum Dot
摘要 在有效质量近似下,采用线性组合算符和幺正变换方法研究了极性晶体量子点中强耦合激子的内部激发态性质,导出了极性晶体量子点中强耦合激子的基态能量、第一内部激发态能量和激发能量随量子点半径的变化关系。对TlCl晶体进行数值计算,结果表明,量子点中强耦合激子的基态能量、第一内部激发态能量和激发能量随量子点半径的减小而增大。 Under the effective mass approximation, the internal excited state properties of the strong-coupling exciton in polar crystals quantum dot are studied by using linear combination operator and unitary transformation methods. The ground state energy, the first internal excited state energy and the excitation energy in the strong-coupling polar crystals quantum dot as a function of the quantum dot radius are obtained. Numerical calculations for TlCl crystal show that the ground state energy, the first internal excited state energy and the excitation energy of the strongcoupling exciton will increase strongly with the decreasing of the quantum dot radius.
出处 《发光学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期641-645,共5页 Chinese Journal of Luminescence
基金 国家自然科学基金(10347004) 内蒙高校科研基金(NJ04059) 河北科技师范学院博士基金资助项目~~
关键词 强耦合 激子 内部激发态 线性组合算符 strong-coupling exciton internal excited state linear combination operator
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