
《新菩萨经》、《劝善经》背后的疾病恐慌——试论唐五代主要疾病种类 被引量:18

The Disease Panic Behind Book of New Buddha and Book of Good Behaviors—On The Five Main Diseases in Tang and The Five Dynasties
摘要 敦煌写本《新菩萨经》、《劝善经》是8—10世纪民间流行的“伪经”,它们预言某些种类疾病的发生,劝人诵佛号、写经、修功德以免灾,体现出时人对这些疾病的恐惧,是研究唐五代时期主要疾病种类不可多得的宝贵史料。通过对写本中病名含义的分析,可以判断出对当时人健康威胁最大的疾病是传染病,尤以疟疾为甚,其次是心脑血管疾病、消化系统疾病、泌尿系统疾病、难产及其它围产期疾病等等。另外,写本中体现出来的地域特征表明两经中的各种疾病是唐五代时期中国北方的主要疾病种类,而这些疾病种类与自然环境及唐代历史进程的关系值得关注。 The Dunhuang Manuscripts Book of New Buddha and Book of Good Behaviors are the so called "pseudo - classics" popular in 8th to 10th centuries which predict the initiation of certain diseases, therefore persuade people to converse to Buddhism by copying Buddhist classics and doing good deeds to escape disaster. The two books are the precious material for research on the main diseases in Tang and The Five Dynasties. They express people' s panic at those diseases at the time. By analyzing the connotation of the disease names appeared in the manuscripts, the paper claims that the threatening focuses on the infectious diseases among which ague is the most serious one besides diseases of cardio - vascular system, digestive system, urinary system and dystocia. The features of landscape depicted in the manuscripts also indicate that diseases mentioned above are the main illnesses suf- fering North China in Tang and The Five Dynasties. Finally, the paper discusses the relations between those diseases and the historical process in Tang Dynasty.
作者 于赓哲
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期62-70,109,共10页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
关键词 主要疾病 唐五代 《新菩萨经》 《劝善经》 Book of New Buddha Book of Good Behaviors Main Diseases Tang and the Five Dynasties
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