

An Experimental Research of Platelet-Rich Plasma(PRP) Adhesion to Four Bone Substitutes
摘要 目的:检测四种口腔种植临床常用植骨材料对血小板的粘附能力。方法:分别将Bio-oss、PepGen-15、Algipore和Perioglas加入人PRP,在37℃水浴中分别放置10min、20min和30min,计算血小板粘附数目及四种材料和PRP混合最佳时间,并计算单位重量材料粘附血小板数;同时用环境扫描电镜验证四种材料粘附血小板的情况。结果:PepGen-15粘附血小板的性能最好;Perioglas、Bio-oss和Algipore三者之间未显示统计学差异。结论:不同植骨材料粘附血小板的能力不同,临床应根据其粘附特性决定患者取血量和最佳混合时间。 Object: To detect and research the capability of PRP adhesion to the four ordinary bone-substitutes in dental implant clinic. Method: Four bone-substitutes ( Bio-oss, PepGen-15, Algipore and Perioglas) were chosen in this experiment. Every material was placed into the water(37℃) with PRP for 10min,20min and 30min respectively, to detect the capability of PRP adhesion to the four bone-sub- stitutes with environmental scanning electron microscopy(ESEM); to explore the best time when the ma- terial and PRP were mixed; and to calculate the number of PRP adhesion to per gram bone-substitute. Result: PepGen-15 has the best capability of adhesion to PRP among the four bone-substitutes, the others have no statistical difference. Conclusion: The capabilities of PRP adhesion to the four bonesubstitutes are different. In the clinical use, we should decide the quantity of patients' blood needed and the mixed time according to the different materials.
出处 《中国口腔种植学杂志》 2006年第3期101-103,109,共4页 Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology
基金 上海市科委启明星培养计划(03QD14056)
关键词 植骨材料 富血小板血浆 血小板粘附 Bone-substitute Platelet-Rich Plasma(PRP) Platelet adhesion
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