目的:总结15例膜型狼疮肾炎(MLN)患者的临床及病理特征。方法:回顾分析15例经肾活检证实的MLN患者的临床及病理特征,并对随访的10倒患者采用Kaplan-Meier曲线进行肾存活率分析。结果:15例MLN患者,男性1例,女性14例,年龄35.4±11.2岁,其中Va型6例,Vb型9例。15例均有蛋白尿,>3.5 g/24 h 4例(26.7%,Va型2例,Vb型2倒);血尿3例(20.0%,均为Vb型),其中肉眼血尿1例(6.7%);高血压4例(26.7%,Va型1例,Vb型3例);甘油三酯高于正常10例(66.7%,Va型4例,Vb型6例);胆固醇高于正常6例(40.0%,Va型3例,Vb型3例);低C3血症8例(53.3%,Va型3例,Vb型5例);合并肾外表现13例(86.7%,Va型4例,Vb型9例)。病理方面15例MLN患者平均活动性指数为2.13±0.92(Va型1.67±1.03,Vb型2.44±0.73,P>0.05);平均慢性指数0.93±1.10(Va型0.67±1.21,Vb型1.11±1.05.P>0.05),血管累及3例(20.0%,Va型1例,Vb型2例)。10例获随访者,平均随访73.9±53.6月(29- 175月),以肾穿刺日为起点,10年肾存活率75%。结论:MLN好发于年轻女性,多数临床表现与特发性膜性肾病相似,肾病综合征较少见,肾存活率与文献报道相似。
Objective:To investigate the clinical and pathological features of Membranous lupus nephritis(MLN). Methods:The medical data of patients(n= 15) with biopsy-proven MLN(class Va and Vb) were reviewed retrospectively. Kaplan-Meier curve was used to analysis renal survival rate. Results:All of 15 patients had proteinuria, but only 4(26.70/00, Va=2 vs Vb= 2) of them with urine protein over 3.5g/24h. 3 case (20.0%, class Vb) had hematuria. 4 cases(26.7%, Va=1 vs Vb=3) had hypertension. 10 cases(66. 7%, Va=4 vs Vb=6) had hypertriglyceridemia. 6 cases(40. 0%, Va=3 vs Vb=3) had hypercholesterolemia. 8 cases(53.3%, Va=3 vs Vb=5) had low complement component C3. 13 cases (86.7%, Va=4 vs Vb= 9) superimposed extrarenal manifestations. The pathologic active index was 2. 13± 0. 92(Va=1.67±1.03 vs Vb=2. 44±0. 73, P〉0.05) while chronic index was 0.93±1.10(Va=0. 67 ±1.21 vs Vb=1.11±1.05, P〉0. 05). The mean follow-up was 73.9 ± 53.6 months and renal survival at 10 years was 75%. Conclusion:Conclusion: In our study, clinical and pathological manifestations of MLN have the features both of IMN and LN. Class Vb seems to be a little more severe than class Va with no statistical significance. Renal survival at 10 years was similar to other reported results.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine
Membranous lupus nephritis
Renal survival
Renal biopsy