
电力市场的集中优化 被引量:7

Centralized Optimization of Electricity Market
摘要 对电力市场的集中优化问题进行了深入研究,指出电力市场的网络作用、可靠性约束、技术的经济性约束与电网的自然垄断性决定了必须强调集中优化,且这种必然性远远超过一般商品市场。研究了电力市场集中优化所遇到的优化范围控制问题和优化方法选择问题,指出应避免造成集中优化对分散决策的替代。最后详细分析了不同电力市场的不同集中优化程度,如有的只需集中协调,有的只需长期监管,而有的则需要时刻代替市场成员进行决策。 Here, The centralized optimization is researched in depth and it is pointed out that due to the network interaction, reliability constraint, transaction cost constraint and the natural monopoly of power networks, the action of centralized optimization should be emphasized, and the centralization extent in electricity market is far more than that in common commodity market. Meanwhile, two problems that should be solved in the centralized optimization of electricity market, i.e., the control of optimization range and the selection of optimization method, are researched too. It is pointed out that the substitution of decentralized decision-making by centralized optimization should be avoided. Finally, it is analyzed in detail that for different contents of electricity market the extents of centralized optimization is also different, somewhat needs centralized coordination only; somewhat needs long-term regulation; and somewhat needs centralized decision-making by central organs instead of market participants.
出处 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第20期66-71,共6页 Power System Technology
关键词 电力市场 集中优化 分散决策 交易费用 产权 electricity market centralized optimization decentralized decision transaction cost property right
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