开发区是土地利用的重要方式,特别是在促进土地集约利用方面起到了良好的示范和辐射作用。本文基于江苏省开发区典型调查的基础上,分析和测算了全省开发区土地集约利用的理论潜力,并结合江苏省资源禀赋特点和经济发展的制约因素剖析了理论潜力实现的可能性及途径。结果表明,江苏省开发区2010年和2020年的土地集约利用理论潜力分别为261km2和1 069km2;若能在劳动生产率和工业用地容积率等方面有所作为的话,江苏省开发区2010年和2020年的土地集约利用现实潜力将分别达210km2和869km2。这主要通过注重开发区投资主体的多元化、软硬件环境的不断完善和提高开发区的用地门槛来实现。
Development zone is very important type of land use. Particularly it represents a well-demonstrated and promotive effect on land consolidation. Based on a typical survey, this paper analyzes and computes the theoretical potential of land consolidation of development zones in Jiangsu province. Furthermore, this paper analyzes the theoretical potential possibility and approaches that development zones in Jiangsu province can realize, according to resources characteristics and restricted factors of economic development in Jiangsu province. The results show that the theoretical potential of land consolidation of development zones in Jiangsu province is respectively 261 km^2 in 2010 year, and 1069 km^2 in 2020 year, if development zones in Jiangsu province can take active steps in labor productivity and floor-area ratio of industrial land, the realistic potential of land consolidation of development zones in Jiangsu province will be 210 km^2 in 2010 year, and 869 km^2 in 2020 year respectively. The approaches are that development zones in Jiangsu province should pay more attention to the extension of investment capital, perfect constantly the services and infrastructures, increase the threshold of land use in development zones, and promote industry optimization and transferation.
China Population,Resources and Environment
development zone
land consolidation