
蛋鸡中发现J亚群白血病与网状内皮增生症自然混合感染 被引量:31

Pathology Report of Subgroup J Avian Leukosis and Reticuloendotheliosis Natural Co-infection in Layer Chickens
摘要 发病蛋鸡经组织学、免疫组化检测确诊为J亚群白血病与网状内皮增生症混合感染。与人工接种病例不同的是,在肿瘤组织内还发现一种特殊的细胞——淋巴-巨噬细胞;在骨髓和肿瘤组织中检测到部分髓细胞胞浆内有ALV-J抗原表达。从发病情况、各器官病变程度及免疫组化结果来看,2种病原存在明显的相互协同作用,脾可能是网状内皮增生症的原发器官,但其发病的时间可能不如J亚群白血病早。此次在蛋种鸡发现此混合感染提示,病毒在环境选择压及免疫选择压的作用下,其生物特性、致病作用以及宿主范围均可发生改变,应警惕J亚群白血病和网状内皮增生症混合感染在蛋鸡中的大面积暴发。 Subgroup J avian leukosis and reticuloendotheliosis natural co-infection in layer chickens was firstly reported in t his paper. Gross lesions including wasting, weight loss, anemia,occasional paralysis, bursal and thymic atrophy,and abnormal feathering. The neoplasms typically involve the liver,spleen,kidney,lung,heart ,even on the surface of the sternum and intes- tine. Histologically, granulated myelocytes proliferated in bone marrow, spleen, liver, kidney, cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle, Lung,while the reticulum cell neoplasia were found in spleen ,liver ,kidney and cardiac muscle. The tumor was made of two different types. One type tumor was made of amount of pure myelocytes,and the another was made of all kinds of cells inclucling original lymphocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages, reticulocytes, myelocytes and lympho-macrophages. Using immunohistochemistry(IHC) technique to detect the expression of viral specific antigen(ALV-J and REV) in various tissues,we detected little difference of ALV-J and REV among these tissues. Of the tissues examined ,ALV-J gp85 viral glycoprotein expression was observed in cells specific to the liver, spleen, kidney, proventriculus, bone marrow,ovary, tumor tissue and connective tissue,and REV specific glycoprotein expression was detected in liver,spleen,kidney and ovary. Both antigens were not found in brain and nerve tissue. Positive cells(myelocytes) in bone marrow and tumor tissue detected by IHC were firstly reported. This paper showed that the lesion of coinfection of ALV-J and REV was more significantly than single infection of ALV-J or REV. There maybe some interactions between the two viruses. We must pay more attention to the prevalence of the coinfection of ALV-J and REV in layer chickens.
出处 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期586-590,共5页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
基金 山东农业大学博士基金项目(22052)
关键词 J亚群白血病 网状内皮增生症 自然混合感染 蛋鸡 病理学 subgroup J avian leukosis reticuloendotheliosis natural co-infection layer chickens pathology
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