
JCI国际医院认证标准与病案质量管理 被引量:6

JCI Standards and Medical Record Quality Management
摘要 医疗机构国际联合委员会的质量管理和医院评审是一套结构完整且科学的医疗质量评价体系,《JCI标准》的每一章内容均可用于指导医疗活动,规范医疗质量管理,标准的衡量要素在医疗文书病案中应有体现。文章以JCI国际医院认证对病案质量的评估,结合我国病案质量管理的现状,详述了《JCI标准》对加强病案质量管理、提升医疗质量管理的必要性。JCI国际医院认证对病案质量的评估是在医院评审中占有重要地位的项目之一。病案质量关系到医疗质量水平,因此加强病案质量管理是医疗质量管理中需持续改进的日常重要工作之一,规避因病案质量造成的医患纠纷,提高医疗质量,构建和谐医患关系,是我国医院管理者面临的重要课题之一。 JCI (Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards for Hospitals) is a set of scientific and complete accreditat on process of medical quality, Each chapter of JCl Standards can be used to guide the health care service and regulate the administration of medical quality, with elements of JCI Standards embodied in the medical records. Combing the JCI Standards with current issues of medical records management in China, the thesis proves that it's necessary to improve the medical records quality management. The evaluation results from JCI plays an important role in the evaluation of hospitals which is the also the reference for the hospitals improvement, medical records quality influences medical treatment quality level and extent of the patients' satisfaction. Therefore, to intensify the establishment of contents of the medical records and improve persist ameliorate the medical quality are one of the most important routines of the hospital administration. It's a important topic for national hospital administrators that we should improve medical quality and establish a harmonious relationship between patients and hospital.
出处 《中国医院管理》 北大核心 2006年第12期69-71,共3页 Chinese Hospital Management
关键词 JCI标准 病案质量 管理 JCI Standrads, medical record quality, management
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