
矾土、煤矸石烧结合成莫来石过程的相组成和显微结构研究 被引量:7

Study on the Phase Compaosition and Microstructure in the Process of Sintering-Syntheszing Mullite with Bauxite and Coal Gangue
摘要 研究了矾土和煤矸石为原料烧结合成莫来石过程的相组成和显微结构,XRD分析表明,在1000-1700℃加热过程的相变化可分为三个阶段:(1)1000~1200℃,一次莫来石形成阶段;(2)1200~1500℃,二次莫来石化阶段;(3)1500—1700℃,液相烧结阶段。通过观察SEM可知.一次莫来石初始出现(1200℃)时,呈发育较差的片状晶体;二次莫来石化完成(1500℃)时,莫来石晶体呈发育不完善的针状或细条状;直至烧结温度(1700℃)时,莫来石晶体呈发育完善长大的柱状,并由其构成交错连锁的网络结构。 The phase composition and microstructure in the process of sintering-synthesizing mullite with bauxite and coal gangue have been investigated in this paper. The results of XRD analysis indicate that phase change during heating from 1000℃ to 1700℃ are proceeded in three stages: ( 1 ) 1000 - 1200℃ , formation of primary mullite. (2) 1200 - 1500℃, secondary mullitization stage. ( 3 ) 1500 - 1700℃, liquid phase sintering stage. The observation by SEM photos showed that primary mullite crystals first appear flake of sorts at 1200℃, mullite crystals appear upgrowth incomplete needle or thin bar at accomplishment temperature of mullitization( 1500℃ ) ,up to sintering temperature at 1700℃ mullite crystals appear perfect grown columniation and form interlocking network structure.
出处 《矿产综合利用》 CAS 2006年第6期31-34,共4页 Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources
关键词 莫来石 矾土 煤矸石 Mullite Bauxite Coal gangue
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