
从法条的公司法到实践的公司法 被引量:78

From the Corporation Law in Statutes to the Corporation Law in Practice
摘要 人们对公司法规范结构的不同分类,其本质都是在讨论一个问题,即当事人的意思在适用公司法规范中有多大空间。并且,任何对公司法规范结构的讨论,都试图在解决公司法适用中的自由与强制的协调。违反公司法强制性规范并不当然使违反行为无效。是否使违反行为无效,应取决于强制性规范的具体性质与立法目的。讨论公司章程对公司法适用的影响时,应该注意公司章程到底有多大的自由空间。公司章程可以根据本公司的特点和特殊要求,规定不同于或不完全同于公司法的规则。而这些规则,可以优先适用于法律、行政法规,包括公司法的规定。 The classification on the structure of corporate rules is essentially the issue that how much space the corporate participants should enjoy within the framework of company law. And all the discussions on the structure of company rules aim at the harmonization between autonomy and compulsion related to the application of company law. Violating the compulsory rules of company law is not invalid per se, which depends on the nature and legislative purpose of the compulsory rules. When studying the effects of articles of incorporation on company law, we should note how much autonomy realm the articles of incorporation should have. The articles of incorporation can, in accordance with the feature and specific requirements of its company, establish the rules partly or completely different from the company law, which should prevail over the laws and regulations, including the rules of company law.
作者 王保树
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期21-29,共9页 Chinese Journal of Law
关键词 任意性规范 强制性规范 公司章程 discretionary rules, compulsory rules, articles of incorporation
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