

Investigation and analysis on female workers' gynaecological diseases
摘要 采用抽样法调查某公司机械行业女工2950人,结果常见妇科病患病率高。慢性宫颈炎24.0%,乳腺良性增生14.64%,尖锐湿疣2.20%,子宫脱垂0.15%,外阴白斑0.2%等。对不同妇科病的患病率与某些职业因素的关系,乳腺增生与乳房保健,尖锐湿疣与性传播疾病的教育等做了重点论述,并提出应注重职业妇女的健康保健工作。尤其是25~44岁女工应更重视。 Using sampling method the authors have made the investigation and analysis of gynaecological diseases of 2950 female workers in mechanical industry. The results showed that the prevalence rate of common gynaecological diseases is high. The prevalence rate of chronic cervicitis is 24. 0% and that of breast proliferatiom is 14. 64%. The prevalance rate of pointed condyloma is 2. 2% and uterus prolapse is 0. 15 %. The chronic vulvarolystrophy prevalence rate is 0. 2% and it is 0. 47% in cast steel factory. The papar discussed the relation to prevalence rates of female workers' gynaecological diseases with some occupational factors. The results advanced that we should pay attention to health care of occupational female workers such as breast health care and education of veneral disease. The female workers of 25~ 44 years old are particularly important.
出处 《洛阳医专学报》 1996年第4期245-248,共4页 Journal of Luoyang Medical College
关键词 妇科疾病 调查 职业危害 机械行业女工 female worker sampling investigation gynaecological disease
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