
FSH使用方法对无角道塞特绵羊超数排卵的影响 被引量:7

Effects of FSH application methods on super-ovulatory response in Poor Dorset sheep
摘要 为探讨FSH的种类、剂量及注射次数和注射季节对绵羊超数排卵的影响,采用中国科学院动物所、宁波、加拿大生产的FSH对206只无角道塞特绵羊进行了超排处理,观察了供体发情率、回收胚胎数、可用胚胎数、退化胚及未受精卵比率以及供体的表现。结果,无论那种FSH,在适当的剂量范围都可有效进行超排,中国科学院FSH与宁波FSH联合使用可提高回收胚胎数和可用胚胎数;与6次递减注射相比,7次或8次递减注射的结果更为理想;秋季的超排效果优于春、夏和冬季。供体对激素处理表现复杂多变的超排反应,同时也出现卵子受精失败现象。结果表明,外源FSH只能在一定程度上控制超排反应,进一步的研究应考虑外源性FSH与内分泌反应的关系。 In order to investigate effects of types and doses of FSH,and times and season of FSH injection on superovulation response,206 Poor Dorset ewes were superovulated with FSH produced in Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), Ningbo(NB) or Canada(CA). Estrous rate of donors, number of recovered embryos,number of transferable embryos, percentage of regressed-unfertilized embryos and performance of donors were observed. The effective superovulation response was achieved in suitable dose ranges regardless of the type of FSH,but the number of recovered embryos and transferable embryos were improved by combining use of NB-FSH with CAS-FSH. Compared with 6 times progressive decrease injection,the effect of 7 or 8 times injection was more ideal. The superovulation response in autumn was better than that in spring,summer and winter. The variability of response to FSH treatment and the fertilization failure also occurred. The results showed that the superovulation response is controlled by extrinsic FSH only to a certain extent,and further studies should consider the relationship between extrinsic FSH and endocrine response.
出处 《中国兽医科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期1009-1012,共4页 Chinese Veterinary Science
关键词 促卵泡素 超数排卵 胚胎移植 无角道塞特绵羊 FSH superovulation embryo transfer Poor Dorset sheep
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