
特应性皮炎动物模型表皮分化蛋白表达的改变 被引量:5

Changes in Expression of Differentiation Proteins in Atopic Dermatitis Animal Model
摘要 目的观察特应性皮炎(AD)除真皮T细胞浸润和皮肤增厚外,是否有表皮细胞的分化和增生异常。方法利用反复外涂半抗原的方法制作AD动物模型。在观察该模型皮肤生理学改变的同时,利用免疫组化的方法对表皮分化蛋白的表达和角质形成细胞的增生进行观察。结果AD组角质层的水分含量明显降低;皮肤水分丢失量及pH明显增高。与对照组相比,AD组表皮兜甲蛋白(loricrin)的表达明显减少;在角质层,中间丝相关蛋白(Filaggrin)和外皮蛋白(involucrin)的表达强度稍微减低,但表达部位有明显地改变。正常时仅表达在角质层,而在AD组其颗粒层和棘细胞层均有较强的染色。抗增生细胞核抗体染色显示,AD的表皮增生极其活跃。HE染色显示AD的表皮明显增厚。结论利用反复外涂半抗原的方法可成功制作AD动物模型,AD除皮肤生理的异常外,还伴有表皮增生和分化的异常。 Objective To further investigate if there are abnormalities in keratinocyte differentiation and proliferation in addition to T cell infiltration (Th2 dominant), epidermal hyperproliferation in Atoplc dermatitis (AD). Methods Murine AD model was produced by repeatedly hapten treatment. In addition to measure the skin physiological changes,the expression and localization of epidermal differential proteins were measured by immunohistochemical staining. In addition, keratinocyte cell proliferation was determined by anti-proliferation cell nuclear antibody (PCNA) method ( Ki67 antigen ) in this model. Results Stratum corneum hydration was lower in AD group. Skin surface pH and transepidermal water loss were significantly increased in AD group. Loricrin expression was decreased dramatically in AD mouse as compared to that of the the control group ; The intensity of involucrin and filaggrin expression was slightly decreased in stratum corneum, but a broad band of involucrin and filaggrin expression extend to both lower statum granulosum and spinous layers (subjacent to their normal expression patterns) ;PCNA staining showed more proliferative cells in AD model epidermis as compared to that of the normal control. Increased proliferation correlated with an increase in epidermal thickness in H&E sections. Conclusion In addition to skin physiological abnormalities ,there are abnormal keratinocyte differentiation and proliferation in AD. Murine AD model estabolished by repeated hapten treatment could useful for further assessments of pathogenic mechanisms and new therapeutic approaches for AD.
出处 《中国皮肤性病学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第12期730-733,共4页 The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology
基金 美国NIH科研基金资助(Ro1A1059311-01A2)
关键词 分化 增生 透过表皮水分丢失 异位性皮炎模型 Differentiation,Proliferation,Tranepidermal water loss,atopic dermatitis model
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