对鸢尾属中东北的3个种子具翅的野生种:水生种玉蝉花(Iris ensa taThunb.)、北陵(Iris typhifoliaK itag)、旱生种野鸢尾(Iris dichotom aPall.)的种子从形态、萌发实验、超显微结构方面进行了研究。结果表明:三者种子形态差异很大;都适合变温(30℃/20℃,8 h光照/16 h黑暗)的发芽条件;玉蝉花存在种源差异;超显微结构也显著不同。并探讨了超显微结构与进化的关系。
Iris ensata Thunb. , Iris typhifolia Kitag. , Iris dichotoma Pall. distribute in the Northeast of China. The research include: to observe the seed external shape, to study the germination in different condition of experiment and to compare the micro-structure of seeds of the three species. The result of study shows: the appearance shapes of the seeds are widely different, The changing temperature (30 ℃/20 ℃, the illumination in 8 hours/the dark in 16 hours) is suitable for the three species of seeds, Seeds of Iris ensata from different areas are different, and micro-structure characters among them have remarkable differences. And the relationship between micro-structure characters and evolution was discussed.