
酿酒葡萄区划热量指标的研究 被引量:30

Study of the zoning thermal indexes of the grapevine
摘要 在对目前酿酒葡萄区划热量指标进行总结和分析的基础上,通过对几种热量指标的比较和我国气候特点的分析认为,以无霜期作为我国酿酒葡萄区划的热量指标,即以无霜期≥160 d(30年平均值,且在30年中无霜期<150 d的次数不超过3次)作为我国酿酒葡萄栽培的热量最低限(区划北界)是适宜的,比其他热量指标确定的区划界限更有实际应用价值。 The zoning thermal index of grapevine at present was summarized and analyzed. Through comparison between several kinds of thermal indexes and analysis of China's climate characteristics,frostfree period is considered to be a proper thermal index of climatic zoning for grapevine in China. Frost free period, 160 days or more, (30 annual mean values ,and the occurence of frost-free period 〈150 days did not surpass 3 times in 30 years) is the lower thermal limit,which is suitable for the growth of grapevine in China.
作者 李华 火兴三
出处 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期69-73,共5页 Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家星火计划项目(2005EA850056)
关键词 酿酒葡萄 区划指标 热量指标 无霜期 grapevine zoning index thermal index frost-free period
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