
超声波提取芒果叶总黄酮 被引量:18

Extraction of total flavanone from mango leaves by ultrasonic wave
摘要 目的为充分利用芒果叶植物资源,避免资源的浪费,探讨芒果叶总黄酮的提取方法。方法采用超声波乙醇浸提法从芒果叶中提取黄酮类物质,对所提取的黄酮类物质进行验证,并用紫外分光光度法测定含量。结果测得样品中总黄酮的含量C=2.900mg/mL,回收率为100.2%,其纯度和产率均较高。结论该方法采用全物理过程,无任何污染,是提取芒果叶黄酮类物质的有效途径。 OBJECTIVE In order to make use of the resources of mango leaves, the extract method for total tlavanone from mango leaves was studied. METHODS The flavanone were extracted by ethanol from mango leaves with ultrasonic wave and determined by spectrophotometer. RESULTS The density content of the total flavanone of extract from mango leaves was 2.900mg/mL and the recovery was 100.2%. CONCLUSION This method is a purely physical process and has not any pollution. It is an ideal way to extract the tlavanone from mango leaves.
出处 《中国现代应用药学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期455-456,共2页 Chinese Journal of Modern Applied Pharmacy
关键词 超声波提取 芒果叶 总黄酮 ltrasonic wave treatment mango leaves total flavanone
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