本文以大量实例叙述了九十年代以来 ,在世界范围内出现的各种电子读物和电子图书馆。论文首先以单媒体电子读物、多媒体电子读物及电子图书馆三个不同的类别分别论述它们各自的特点 ,而后引入网络和信息高速公路 ,并以清华大学图书馆的多媒体阅览室、光盘联网联机检索数据库、Internet检索及图书馆网络化建设为实例 ,具体论述电子出版物在中国图书情报领域的应用。
This paper is intended to examplify the electronic reading materials and electro nic libraries which have emerged in the global context since the 1990s.The auth or begins with a description of the resp ective features underlying the mono med ia/multi media electronic publication an d the electronic library,then shifts to the network and the information super hi ghway,and fi nally concludes with such examples as of multi media reading room,optical disk n etworking and on line searching database ,Internet searching and networking in th e library of Tsinghua University,to illu strate the applications of electronic pu blications to the field of publishing in formation in China.
New Technology of Library and Information Service