
湖南省主要植烟区土壤肥力状况综合评价 被引量:73

The comprehensive evaluation of soil fertility status for tobacco-growing areas in Hu'nan province
摘要 对湖南省12个主要植烟县(市)1612个土壤样品的养分指标进行了测定,并运用主成分分析法确定了各土壤养分指标的权重,通过估算土壤肥力综合指标值(IFI)对湖南植烟区土壤肥力进行了综合评价。结果表明:(1)湖南植烟区土壤中有机质和氮素养分含量较高,磷素(全磷和有效磷)和钾素(全钾和有效钾)的养分含量较低,土壤pH值、有效硫和水溶性氯含量适宜;(2)湖南植烟区的土壤肥力存在广泛变异,全省IFI的变异为0.127~0.968,平均0.547,变异系数19.17%;(3)根据IFI大小将全省土壤肥力分为高、较高、中等、较低和低5个等级,属于中等以上土壤肥力植烟区所占的比例为92.3%,其中龙山和浏阳的IFI,平均值较高,东安和衡南的IFI平均值较低。其余地区IFI平均值居中。 10 soil nutrient indexes of 1 612 soil samples from 12 main tobacco-growing counties in Hu'nan province were determined. The method of principal component analysis was employed to determine the weight value of each index,and the soil feasibility for Hu'nan tobacco-growing area was evaluated by estimating integrated fertility index (IFI) of each soil sample. The results indicated that.(1) contents of organic matters,total N and hydrolytic N in Hu'nan tobacco-growing soils were rich,but contents of P (total P and available P) and K (total K and available K) in soils were low. pH value,available S and water soluble Cl were suitable. (2) There existed significant variation for the soil fertility of Hu'nan tobaccogrowing area. IFI values of the whole province ranged from 0. 127 to 0. 968,with the mean of 0. 547 and the coefficient variation of 19.17%. (3) According to IFI values,soil fertility of the whole province could be classified into five grades:higher, high, medium, low and lower. The proportion of soil fertility grades above medium was 92. 3%. The IFI values of Longshan and Liuyang were higher; those of Dong'an and Hengnan were lower;and those of other counties were medium.
出处 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第11期179-183,共5页 Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家烟草专卖局重点科技攻关项目(110200401017) 河南省杰出人才创新基金项目(0421001900)
关键词 主成分分析 植烟区 综合评价 土壤养分 湖南省 principal component analysis tobacco-growing area comprehensive evaluation soil nutrient Hu'nan province
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