在当代建筑中,新乡土建筑可以看作是现代性与传统性的统一体。在《New Vernacular Architecture》老练精妙而又颇具可读性的介绍中,维基·理查森(Vicky Richardson)对建筑中的乡土性进行了图文并茂的分析和展示。这里节选的便是其导论部分.它为建筑的乡土性提供了一份详尽的历史性分析,展示了它是如何体现出笔者所描述的“充满质疑的建筑”(“architecture in denial”)观的——一种对于理念进展的质疑和一份对于“原生”建筑形式真实性的执信。
In contemporary architectures, new vernacular architecture might be regarded as the unity of modern and tradition. In his sophisticated and delicate description of 〈New Vernacular Architecture〉, Vicky Richardson analyzes and shows the vernacular nature in architectures with plenty of pictures. This paper, translated partly from its introduction, provides a detailed historical analysis and expresses his ideas of "architecture in denial" -doubtful about thought progress and faithful in actuality of "raw" architecture form.
The Architect