
基于网损微增量的节点电价计算法 被引量:3

Calculation of nodal price modified by incremental transmission loss
摘要 节点电价体制是我国区域市场发展的标准模式,随着电力市场的阻塞管理方法日益完善,并且考虑输电阻塞出现的数学期望值,网损成为影响节点电价中的不可忽略的因素。从一般节点电价模型出发,推导出网损微增量的修正的计算公式,并基于直流潮流法计算网损微增量,得到一种计算简单快速的考虑输电网络损耗的节点电价计算方法。并以IEEE-14母线系统算例仿真表明考虑网损后的节点电价能有效反映不同地理位置电价信号,可以协助调度部门安排经济的运行方式,提高输电资源的利用效率,引导电源和输电网的合理投资。 Nodal pricing system is the standard form for regional power market in our country. The loss cost must be taken into account because of the small probability of transmission congestion and the inereasingly perfect method of transmission congestion. The paper presents a simple and fast method for nodal pricing in consideration of incremental transmission loss. The increanental transmission loss for nodal pricing is presented by using DC power load flow model, and the results based on IEEE-14 bus system show that the price considering loss modification factor can indicate the price signal of different location, which can lead the dispatcher to change the power net operation mode to a more economical operation one and improve the efficiency of transmission resource and result in logical investment of power supply and transmission circuitry.
出处 《继电器》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第24期47-51,55,共6页 Relay
关键词 电力市场 节点电价 输电阻塞 网损成本 网损微增量 网损修正系数 power market nodal price transmission congestion loss cost incremental transmission losses loss factor
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