说明了转炉冰铜吹炼终点判断不准对冰铜吹炼的影响,介绍了冰铜吹炼常用方法和该厂终点判断组合方法。据统计,该厂应用组合方法判断冰铜吹炼终点一次准确率达98%以上,冷料率提高10%,转炉单炉中修寿命从112炉增加到189炉,产能增加17%,年创造经济效益4 796万元。
This paper talks about the influence of the terminal Judgment inaccuracy of the blowing refinement of the matte in the converter on the blowing refinement of the matte, and introduces the common methods of the blowing refinement of the matte and the combining methods of the termial judgment in this factory, according to statistic data: When the combining methods are adopted to judge the terminal in this factory, the accuracy rate at the first time tops 98 %, the coid charge yield has increased by 10 %, the copper converter average life - span has raised from 112 times to 189 times, the coper production has increased by 17%, and the economic performance in this year is 47.96 million yuan.
Non-Ferrous Mining and Metallurgy
the blowing refinement of the matte
terminal judgment
combining method