
电力市场条件下地区电网日购电优化模型与算法研究 被引量:4

Model and algorithm of daily power purchase optimization for regional grid
摘要 在目前厂网分开的电力市场环境下,许多地方小电厂还不具备参与到省级电力市场上竞争的能力,它们一般由所在地区的供电公司进行统一调度。建立了地区电网日购电优化的数学模型,该模型的目标函数为总购电费用最小,约束条件包括电量平衡约束、地区电网供需平衡约束、各电厂出力特性约束和线路安全约束,另外还考虑了不同地点的电源点向系统传输功率而各自产生的网损对总购电费的影响。同时,还提出了具有快速收敛和高计算精度的改进混沌遗传算法,并将其应用于购电优化计算中。最后,将所提出的购电模型与算法应用于某地区的日购电优化中,计算结果表明,在考虑网损时的购电费用相对于其他方法可节省约1.9%。 Many regional power plants do not possess the ability to compete on provincial electricity market under present conditions,which are normally dispatched by regional power utility, The mathematical model of daily power purchase is set up for regional power utility,which takes the minimal total cost as the objective function and considers constraints of power balance,supply and demand balance,generation ability and transmission ability ,as well as the influence of network loss allocation. An improved chaos-genetic algorithm with faster evolution speed and better precision is brought forward for it. The model and algorithm are applied to the power purchase of a region. Results show that,compared with other methods,the cost with consideration of loss allocation is reduced by about 1.9 %.
出处 《电力自动化设备》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期13-17,共5页 Electric Power Automation Equipment
关键词 日购电 购电模型 地区电网 混沌遗传算法 电力市场 daily power purchase power purchase model regional power utility chaos-genetic algorithm electricity market
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