
飞机装配顺序的多目标综合评价方法研究 被引量:10

Improving Multi-Objective Evaluation of Aircraft Assembly Sequences
摘要 飞机的装配顺序受多种因素的综合影响,为了得到装配的最佳方案,提出了一种从多个目标评价装配顺序的方法。以装配并行性、稳定性、重定向性、操作的聚合性为评价因子,针对飞机装配的特点,从保证装配准确度的角度对装配工艺装备提出要求;通过使用层次分析法得到各因子的权重系数,最终对所有因素综合评价后比较结果获取最佳顺序。文中所提算法在某机型机身装配中得到应用,验证了算法的有效性。 Aim. Existing AO" algorithm, GA (Genetic Algorithm) and expert system methods for evaluating aircraft assembly sequences need, in our opinion, to be improved. In order to find the best solution for aircraft assembly, we suggest what we believe to be a better evaluation method with multiple factors considered. In section 1 of the full paper, we explain in detail our evaluation method; in this abstract, we just add some pertinent remarks to listing the four topics of explanation in section 1: (1.1) determination of the influencing factors that need to be considered; (1.2) determination of the evaluation index of each of the influencing factors; (1.3) determination of the weight of each of the influencing factors; (1. 4) overall index of multi-objective evaluation that takes into consideration all influencing factors; under topic (1.2) we employ eqs. (1) through (7) in the full paper to determine the evaluation index of each of the influencing factors; we take eqs. (1) through (4) from the open literature and derive eqs. (5), (6) and (7) ; under topic (1.3) we employ AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) to determine the weight of each influencing factor; under topic (1.4) we calculate the sum of all weighted evaluation indices (weighted evaluation index is the product of evaluation index and corresponding weight); the largest sum of all weighted evaluation indices corresponds to the best solution(sequence) for aircraft assembly. We applied our evaluation method to finding the best sequence of assembly of the mid-section of the fuselage of a certain aircraft. It gives the largest sum of all weighted evaluation indices as 0. 587 445 and corresponds to the assembly sequence shown in Fig. 2 in the full paper. The assembling factory, which uses our assembly sequence, found it to be satisfactory.
出处 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期808-812,共5页 Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
基金 863计划项目(2006AA042137)资助
关键词 飞机装配 顺序评价 层次分析法 aircraft assembly, evaluation of sequences, Analytic Hierarchy Process
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