
建立适合我国国情的电力期货期权市场 被引量:6

Establishing an Electric Power Futures Forward and Option Market Suited to China's Situation
摘要 随着我国电力工业改革的逐步深入,建立电力期货期权交易市场已是大势所趋。电力期货可以通过套期保值、风险转移来规避电价波动给市场参与者带来的风险。本文对电力期货和期权的功能进行了总结,并设计了交易平台和交易规模。同时针对我国电力市场的现状,在吸取西方发达国家已有经验的同时,讨论了适合我国国情的期货期权交易合约。 As the reform of China electric power industry going deeper, establishing an electric power futures forward and option trading market becomes a clear trend. The risks of price fluctuation facing the market particip ants can be avoided through hedge and risk diversion. This papersummarizes the functions of electric power futures and option, as well as plans the trading platform and size. Aiming at current market situation and using the experiences from developed countries for reference, futures forward and option trading agreements suitable to China's situation are drafted.
机构地区 北京交通大学
出处 《电力建设》 2007年第1期71-73,共3页 Electric Power Construction
关键词 电力期货 电力期权 电价 electric power futures forward electric power option electric tariff
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