
基于混合免疫遗传算法的车辆调度问题 被引量:8

Vehicle Scheduling Problem Based on the Hybrid Immune genetic Algorithm
摘要 免疫算法是模仿生物体高度进化,复杂的免疫系统仿生的一种智能化启发式算法。在描述车辆调度问题数学模型及免疫算法综述的基础上,引入了一种基于抗体亲和力的混合免疫遗传算法,改进了抗体的交叉算子,解决了路径长度受限的车辆调度问题,实验结果表明,与遗传算法相比较,混合免疫遗传算法能更有效的解决车辆调度问题。 The immune algorithm is a inteUigentized heuristic algorithm which imitates high-evolvement of the organism and complicated immune system. The paper describes the mathematics model of the vehicle muting problem and the overview of the immune algorithm, introduces a hybrid immune-genetic algorithm based on the affinity of the antibody; mends the crossover operator ; applys the hybrid immune-genetic algorithm to solve the vehicle scheduling problem with limited route length. Experiment result shows the hybrid immune-genetic algorithm can find the optimal or nearly optimal solution effectively compaied with the genetic algorithm.
出处 《微电子学与计算机》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期119-122,共4页 Microelectronics & Computer
关键词 车辆调度问题 免疫算法 亲和力 遗传算法 Vehicle scheduling problem (VSP), Immune algorithm, Affinity, Genetic algorithm
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