目的探索制备T1DM小鼠模型优化条件,为研究T1DM病因及发病机理提供理想的动物模型。方法分别应用不同剂量、不同性别小鼠以小剂量、多次注射链脲佐菌素方法(multiple low dose of streptozotocin,MLDS)制备T1DM小鼠糖尿病模型,动态监测小鼠血糖水平、体重的变化,比较不同方法糖尿病模型成功率与糖尿病小鼠死亡率。结果MLDS诱导雌性C57BL小鼠T1DM模型STZ小剂量组模型成功率为0,死亡率为22.06%。STZ大剂量组模型成功率为57.14%,死亡率为28.56%;MLDS诱导C57BL雄性小鼠T1DM模型的结果,T1DM组小鼠模型成功率为75%,死亡率为20%;MLDS诱导雄性C57BL小鼠T1DM模型再研究结果,T1DM组小鼠模型成功率为84.6%,死亡率为0。结论C57BL雄性小鼠更适合用于制备MLDS诱导T1DM模型,65 mg/kg.BW STZ造模剂量优于其它三种剂量。
Objective To investigate the methods of TIDM mites model induced by SIZ for preparing a better mites TIDM model.Methods To induce TIDM mices model with the injection of MLDS of different dosages of streptozotocin, female and male mices respectivdy.The blood glucose, body weight,DM incidence,and DM mortality of mices model were inspected.Results DM incidence and mortality was 0% and 22.06% in C57BL female T1DM model mices; the incidence and mortality was 75% and20% respectively in C57BL male TIDM model mices; the DM incidence was 为 84.6% but its mortality was 0% in C57BL male TIDM model mlces induced by STZ65mg. BW. Couclusion The better TIDM mice model was made in C57BL male mices and injection of STZ65 mg.BW.with MLDS.
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Diagnosis