

Oral immunization of BALB/c mice with a Campylobacter jejuni mutant strain with deleting neuB1 gene
摘要 目的探讨neuB1失活CjO:19突变株灭活全菌苗的免疫原性及其对抗Cj野生株攻击的免疫保护性。方法以突变株灭活菌体,经口途径以不同剂量免疫BALB/c小鼠,ELISA法检测小鼠肠腔灌洗液和血液中的抗体应答;并以5×10^9CFU野生株进行攻击,计算疾病指数。结果免疫后7d肠灌洗液中的抗Cj特异性sIgA和21d血清中特异性IgG及IgA滴度均显著增高;免疫组的疾病指数分别由0.83降至0.31~0.36,保护率为57%~63%。结论突变株灭活全菌苗经口免疫,能诱导动物产生显著有效的体液免疫应答,证实突变株灭活全菌苗具有显著的免疫原性;突变株灭活全菌苗经口服免疫,能有效保护免疫小鼠免受野生株的攻击,基于该突变株良好的免疫活性且无分子模拟所致的神经毒性,有望成为理想的Cj全菌疫苗候选者。 To explore the immunogenicity of Campylobacter jejuni (Cj) O: 19 strain with deleting neuB1 gene, and to investigate its protection against challenge by wild Cj O: 19 strain in BALB/c mice. Inactivated whole cell vaccine prepared with the mutant Cj O: 19 strain was used to immunize BALB/c mice orally with different doses, and SIgA in intestinal lavage, and IgG and IgA in serum of the immunized mice were measured by ELISA respectively. Twenty-six days after immunization, massive wild Cj strain in S × 10^9CFU were intranasally taken in mice, then the animals were monitored for illness index. It was found thet the effective humoral immune response was predominantly induced. Titers of Cj-specific slgA in intestinal lavage on day 7, the Cj-specific IgG and IgA in serum day 21 after immunization were significantly increased; Illness index was decreased from 0. 83 to 0. 31 -0.36 in the immunized mice, and corresponding protective rates against disease symptoms were 57%-63 %. In conclusions,oral immunization with the Cam pylobacter jejuni mutant strain with deleting neuB1 gene induce the responses in sera and intestinal lavage and offer an effective protection against the invading wild Cj strain in mice.
出处 《中国人兽共患病学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期59-62,共4页 Chinese Journal of Zoonoses
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30170990)
关键词 弯曲杆菌 空肠 neuB1 全菌苗 Cam pylobacter jejuni neuB1 gene whole-cell vaccine
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