
基于混合遗传算法的可重组制造系统作业计划方法 被引量:3

Programming Problem of Reconfigurable Manufacturing System Based on Hybrid Genetic Algorithm
摘要 提出了基于混合遗传算法的可重组制造系统作业(RMS)计划方法。RMS的作业计划以瓶颈工序为目标,前、后工序的作业根据瓶颈工序分别按拉动、推动的方式排定。作业计划的优化算法利用禁忌搜索特有的记忆思想重新设计遗传算法中的变异算子,形成了具有针对性的混合遗传算法,从而改变生产线的加工能力,以适应市场快速多变的需求,并以一个实验验证其有效性。 This paper presents an ap manufacturing systems (RMS) because the extensive application of genetic algorithms and tabu search proves that they are effective tools for solving combinatorial optimization problems. Bottlenecks are the objective of programming by which the former and the latter processes can be pulled or pushed. Redesign of mutation operator of genetic algorithm is completed by combination with the memory function of tabu search in order to form the hybrid algorithm. With the certification of experiment, this method show the result is satisfactory. Manufacturing systems can meet the changes of requirements effectively and rapidly.
出处 《机电一体化》 2007年第1期9-13,共5页 Mechatronics
关键词 可重组 作业计划 遗传算法 禁忌搜索 reconfigurable programming problem genetic algorithm tabu search
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