目的探讨盐酸氨溴索雾化吸入对机械通气患者祛痰效果的影响。方法随机对114例行机械通气患者进行对照试验。治疗组雾化吸入盐酸氨溴索15 mg,3次/d,对照组静脉注射盐酸氨溴索15 mg,3次/d。两组其它治疗相同。治疗组和对照组各治疗7 d。结果治疗组患者痰液的粘弹性明显低于对照组。治疗组、对照组祛痰总有效率分别为94.7%和71.9%,呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)感染率分别为36.84%,56.14%。结论氨溴索雾化吸入与静脉注射比较祛痰作用显著。
Objective To investigate the expectorant effect of nebulizing inhalation with ambroxol hydrochlorlde on the patients under mechanical ventilation circumstances. Methods Total of 11"4 patients under mechanical ventilation was divided into two groups randomly. The treatment group were received nebulizing inhalation of ambroxol hydrochloride 15mg every time,3 times daily. The control group was given intravenousdfip of ambroxol hydrochloride same doses. Other treatment methods were the same in two groups, and the time of therapy were 7 days. Results The sputum's viscoelasticity in treatment group was lower than that of in control group. The reaction rate to ambroxol hydrochloride in treatment group was higher than that in the control (94.7% to 71.9% ) ,but the incidence of ventilation associated pneumonia in the treatment group was lower than that in the control group(36. 84% to 56. 14% ). Conclusion It is indicated that nebulizing inhalation of ambroxol hydrochloride has better expectoration effect than intravenousdrip of ambroxol hydrochloridc.
Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
Ambroxol hydrochloride
nebulizing inhalation
mechanical ventilation