
地理信息系统在东天山土屋——延东地区铜矿预测中的应用 被引量:9

A Application of geography information system to the prediction of copper ore in Tuwu—Yandong Eastern Tianshan Mountain
摘要 以东天山土屋-延东斑岩铜矿床找矿预测为例,首次应用地理信息系统(GIS),查明该区地质和地球化学的找矿标志。在各类异常找矿有利度分析的基础上,确定了用于预测找矿有利地段的异常组合,即Ag、Cu、Au、Mo等元素含量异常的叠加,以及数值区间的界线,并根据异常含量均值和方差的关系((?)+2δ,(?)+δ,(?))将预测区分为3个级别的异常地段。结合含矿地层、控矿构造和成矿母岩-岩浆岩等有利成矿因素空间分布的特征,最终圈定出找矿可行地段、找矿有利地段及潜在资源地段,并对东天山土屋-延东斑岩铜矿区的远景矿体地段进行了预测。 This paper takes ore-finding forecast in Tuwu - Yandong porphyry copper deposit in Eastern Tianshan Mountain as an example, we apply primarily Geography Information System (GIS) to find out ore-finding indicators the regional geology and geochemical anomalies. Based on various beneficial degree analysis of abnormality ore - finding, confirms the anormaly combination, e. g. telescoped content anormalies of Cu,Au ,Mo,Ag, and number interval used in forecasting preferable ore -finding area, i. e. according to relations of the mean and standard deviation of anormaly contents (x^-+2σ,x^- +σ,x^-) ,the prediction region was divided into 3 ranks of anormaly areas. In characteristics of spatial distributions of beneficial metallogenic factors, such as are - bearing formarion strata, metallogenic fault zones and mother rock (igneous rock), permissible ore -finding areas preferable ore -finding areas and potential mineral resource areas were finally delineated, and the perspective ore body areas in Tuwu - Yandong porphyry copper region were predicted and assessed. As companed with traditional are - finding methods, GIS supplies quantitative prediction model to forecast minerogenetic prospect, and its predicted results are more important to directives sense.
出处 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期77-83,共7页 Arid Land Geography
基金 新疆自治区高校重点项目"GIS技术在东天山斑岩型铜矿预测中的应用"(XJEDU2006I06) 新疆大学博士启动基金 新疆维吾尔自治区重点学科(矿产普查与勘探)联合资助
关键词 地理信息系统 斑岩铜矿 矿产资源预测 东天山土屋-延东地区 Geography Information System porphyry copper forecast of mineral resource Tuwu - Yandong area Eastern Tianshan Mountain
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