
搬运机械手的运动学分析 被引量:15

Kinematics Analysis of Conveying Manipulator
摘要 根据搬运机械手的结构特点和性能要求,首先对其正向运动学进行了分析,得出其运动学方程式—操作臂末端在基坐标系下的位置关系式;然后对逆向运动学进行分析,根据操作臂末端的位置,确定出各关节的转角;最后根据机械手末端速度与关节变量速度之间关系分析,得出机械手的雅可比和逆雅可比。 Based on the mechanical structure and functional requirement, the forward kinematics of the transportation manipulator is analyzed. The kinematics equation to describe the end of the manipulator in the basis coordinate is given. The inverse kinematics of the manipulator is also analyzed, and the revolute angle for each joint is found by the position of the manipulator end. And the Jacobian and inverse Jacobian of the manipulator is got by analyzing the relationship between the end speed and the joint variable speed.
出处 《煤矿机械》 北大核心 2007年第2期62-65,共4页 Coal Mine Machinery
关键词 机械手 运动学 雅可比 逆雅可比 manipulator kinematics Jacobian inverse Jacobian
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