
一种基于混合层次包围盒的快速碰撞检测算法 被引量:21

Fast Collision Detection Algorithm Based on Mixed BVH
摘要 提出了一种基于混合层次包围盒(BVH)的快速碰撞检测算法,它将固定方向凸包(FDH)包围盒与沿坐标轴方向的包围盒(AABB)相结合,吸收了基于图像的碰撞测算法的优点,利用了图形硬件的计算能力.算法在预处理阶段为待测物体的凸块构造FDH包围盒树,然后在逐步求精的过程中遍历该树并进行初步碰撞检测,最后通过建立AABB包围盒快速设置视域参数,在对凸块绘制的同时进行精确求交,实时得到碰撞检测的结果.实验结果表明,所提算法可以较好地解决形状复杂刚体的实时碰撞检测问题,检测速度比经典算法RAPID和RECODE分别提高了约17%和20%. A fast collision detection algorithm based on mixed hierarchical bounding volumes (BVH) is proposed, which combines the quality of compactness of the fixed direction hull (FDH) with the simplicity of AABB, absorbs the merits of image-based collision detection algorithm, and utilizes the computing capabilities of graphic hardware. In the preliminary period the FDH tree of the objects is established. Then the tree is traversed and the original detection is carried out simultaneously. Subsequently, the AABB of the object is established to set the view parameter, and the detection result could be obtained in real time when the convex pieces of the objects are drawn. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm works well in the collision detection for complexly shaped rigid-body, and the speed of the collision detection is improved by about 17% and 20% compared to the traditional algorithms RAPID and RECODE.
出处 《西安交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期141-144,157,共5页 Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2003AA209021)
关键词 实时检测 层次包围盒 固定方向凸包 刚体碰撞 real-time detection hierarchical bounding volumes fixed direction hull rigid-body collision
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