
长期定位施肥对农田土壤温室气体排放的影响 被引量:38

Influence of Long-term Frtilization on Geenhouse Gas Fuxes fom Agricultural Soil
摘要 采用静态箱/气象色谱法,研究长期不同养分配施(CK,NK,NP,PK和NPK)后的农田土壤温室气体排放差异。结果表明,不同处理条件下,土壤CO2排放呈相似的变化趋势,受土壤温度和水分的共同影响,土壤CH4和N2O的时间变化在不同处理间存在差异,和温度水分的关系不明显。平均排放通量的分析表明,长期不同肥料配合施用后形成的不同肥力的土壤以及作物生长的差异是影响土壤温室气体排放的一个重要因素,土壤CO2平均排放通量顺序依次为CK<NK<PK<NP<NPK,CH4的平均排放通量在各处理中没有差异,不施肥对照和PK处理的平均N2O排放通量最低,而NP、NK和NPK明显高于不含氮肥的处理。此外,当季氮肥的施用也是影响N2O排放的重要因素。 A study was conducted to assess the effect of long - term application of different combination of individual nutrients (CK, NK, NP, PK and NPK) on greenhouse gas fluxes. After long - term fertilization, soil CO2 in all treatments showed the similar change pattern, which was influenced by soil temperature and water. Soil CH4 and N2O fluxes showed different temporal patterns among different treatments, but had no obvious relationship with soil temperature and water. Seasonal average gas fluxes were used to elucidate the effect of long - term fertilization. The difference of greenhouse gas fluxes was related with the chemical properties and crop growth after long - term fertilization. Soil CO2 emissions were in the increasing order of CK, NK, PK, NP and NPK. There was no significant difference of CH4 fluxes among different treatments. CK and PK treatment showed lower N2O emissions, while. NP, NK and NPK showed higher N2O emission. In addition, Soil N2O fluxes were also affected by the application of nitrogen fertilizer during the growth season.
出处 《土壤通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期97-100,共4页 Chinese Journal of Soil Science
基金 重大基础研究(973)前期专项研究(2003CCB001)
关键词 长期施肥 农田土壤 CO2 CH4 N2O Long - term fertilization Agricultural soil CO2 CH4 N2O
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