建立高效液相色谱法测定皮炎露中苯酚含量。方法:以μBondapak C18为固定相,甲醇-水(75:25)为流动相,检测波长为240nm。结果:苯酚浓度在1000~3000mg/L范围内线性关系良好。相关系数为r=0.9997;平均回收率100.56%(n=9);重现性良好(n=6),RSD1.42%。结论:本方法简单、快速,结果准确,适于该制剂的含量测定。
OBJECTIVE To estabLish a method for determination of phenol in dermatitis Liniment by HPLC. METHODS: TheBondapak C18 was used. The mobile phase was methanol -water(75: 25) ,the detection wave length was set at 240 nm. RESULTS In the scope of 1 000 - 3 000 mg/L for phenol had good Linear relationship with their peak area( r = 0.999 7 ). The average recovery was 100.56% (n =9). The precision of the method was good, RSD = 1.42%. CONCLUSION: The method is simple,rapidly and accurate. It is suitable for determination of the preparation.
Tianjin Pharmacy