
对高含硫气田开发的几点建议 被引量:34

摘要 四川盆地东北部普光、罗家寨等三叠系飞仙关组鲕粒滩大中型气田的发现,标志着四川盆地天然气勘探开发进入了一个新阶段。如何安全、环保、高效地开发好这类特别复杂的高危气田,是摆在人们面前的一个难题。为此提出高含硫气田开发要依靠科技进步,既要在战略上藐视它又要在战术上重视它、既要解放思想又要实事求是、既要胆大又要心细的观点。高含硫气田的开发除了要解决好防腐、安全和环保三大关键问题外,基础还在地质和气藏工程研究上,进而提出了4点建议:第一,要重视边、底水能量以及活跃程度对气藏开发影响的研究;第二,气井配产及相应开发规模的确定要合理,要想方设法创造条件试采;第三,硫沉积实验和试验要早抓,尽快取得认识;第四,开展含硫气体相态实验,并在此基础上深化开发理论研究。另外,还要重视高含硫气藏的取样工作,做到真实可靠。 Such large-and middle-gas oolitic beach fields as Puguang and Luojiazhai were discovered in the Feixianguan formation of Triassic in the Sichuan Basin,which symbolizes that the natural gas exploration and development there has stepped into a completely new stage.How to develop highly dangerous high-sulfur gasfields is still a troublesome job before everybody.In order to develop this type of gasfield safely with high efficiency and protect the environment as well,it is advised that the advanced techniques should be relied on;tactics should be adopted under well-rounded strategy;decisions should be made practically and realistically without much wavering;actions should be taken boldly with wariness.During the process of developing this type of gasfield,not only three essential problems such as corrosion control,safety and environmental protection should be solved,but also the fundamental study should be put on geology and reservoir's engineering.Therefore,this paper puts forward some suggestions listed as follows: ①the study should be regarded highly on the edge and bottom water(pending the bottom water) and their influence on gas reservoir development by their energy and dynamic activities;②the gas well allocation and the corresponding exploitation scale should be determined reasonably and trial production should be carried out under the created conditions by every means;③sulfur deposit tests should be done early to get a general idea;④theory study should be deepened on the basis of lab tests on phase behaviors of acid gas.In spite of those suggestions mentioned above,the sampling job should be paid much more attention so as to achieve in reliable studies.
机构地区 西南石油大学
出处 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期137-140,共4页 Natural Gas Industry
关键词 高含硫化氢 气田 开发 建议 四川盆地 东北 三叠纪 high-hydrogen sulfide,gas field,development,suggestion,Sichuan Basin,northeast,Triassic
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