
我国高考少数民族倾斜政策的反思与调整 被引量:7

The Reconsideration and Adjustment on the National Minority Favorable Policy of Higher Education Entrance Examination
摘要 少数民族高等教育倾斜政策与教育公平问题历来是我国民族教育所关注的问题。通过对建国以来我国高考少数民族倾斜政策的回顾,从教育公平角度,对高等教育入学考试少数民族倾斜政策的价值取向和实践问题进行反思,提出在政策调整中应坚持正确的价值取向,改变单纯以民族进行划分的标准,建立严格的民族成分审查制度。 The national minority higher education favorable policy and the education fairness question always are the concern of education for nationalities in our country. This article focuses on our country college entrance examination nationality favorable policy. The authors review foundation on the national minority favorable policy of entrance examination, and have carried on reconsidering from the education fair angle to our country present higher education entrance examination national minority favorable policy value orientation and the practice question. Finally proposed that the setting up correct value orientation, the breaking tradition by the national standard favorable policy, and the establishing strict nationality ingredient appraisal system and so on are essential ways of adjustment.
作者 杨超 张宝昆
出处 《山西财经大学学报(高等教育版)》 2007年第1期26-29,共4页 Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics
关键词 高考 少数民族倾斜政策 教育公平 Higher Education Entrance Examination the National Minority Favorable Policy education fairness
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