目的:制备壳聚糖包覆葛根素脂质体并对其理化性质进行考察。方法:采用逆相蒸发法制备葛根素脂质体,并用壳聚糖包覆。通过正交设计对制备工艺中影响脂质体包封率的主要因素进行优化;分别对未包覆脂质体和包覆脂质体的粒径分布、微观形态、Zeta电位、包封率进行考察。结果:未包覆和壳聚糖包覆葛根素脂质体均为圆形,包覆前后平均粒径分别为220.7 nm和632.6 nm,Zeta电位分别为-14.44 mV和+35.61 mV,包封率分别为50.6%和51.1%。结论:逆相蒸发法可以制备包封率较高且图整、平滑的葛根素脂质体。葛根素脂质体用壳聚糖包覆后粒径增加,表面电荷由负电荷变为正电荷。
Objective: To prepare chitosan coated puerarin liposomes and investigate their physicochemical properties. Methods: Puerarin liposomes were prepared by reverse phase evaperation technique and then coated with chitosan. Using encapsulation efficiency as index of examination and designing an orthogonal experiment, the optimal formulation of liposomes was determined. The physicochemical properties of uncoatd and chitosan coated puerarin liposomes were investigated, respectively. Results: Uncoatd and chitosan coated puerarin liposomes were spherelike and smooth. The mean particles size of uncoated and coated liposomes were 217.3nm and 632. 6nm, respectively. The Zeta potential were -14. 44mV and + 35. 61mV, respectively. The encapsulating efficency was 50. 6% and 51.1%, respectively. Conclusion: Puerarin liposomes can be prepared by reverse phase evaporation technique successfully. The chitosan coated purarin liposomes ware spherelike and smooth.
Journal of Chinese Medicinal Materials