
金属真空罐环境下微波测量的校准与实验 被引量:2

Calibrations and Measurements of Microwave Propagation in a Vacuum Metal Chamber
摘要 介绍了在金属真空罐特殊的实验环境下,微波矢量网络分析仪单端口校准和双端口校准的实现,具体描述了在现有的实验室仪器条件下如何用双端口TRM校准方法来消除系统误差。文中讨论了几种测量方案的可行性,给出了不同校准方法测量结果的比较,并利用校准后的系统测量了电磁波在等离子体中的传输特性。 One-pert and two - pert calibrations of the microwave vector network analyzer are presented when we take experiment in a vacuum metal chamber. Using the two-pert TRM calibration technique to eliminate the system errors is described in detail. The feasibilities of several methods of measurement are discussed, and the results with different calibrations are compared. Using the calibrated system we measured the transmission characteristics of the incident microwave in plasma.
出处 《微波学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期29-33,共5页 Journal of Microwaves
基金 国防预研基金(
关键词 微波测量 等离子体诊断 矢量网络分析仪 直通-反射-匹配校准 Microwave measurement, Plasma diagnostics, Vector network analyzer, TRM calibration
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